Saturday, March 21, 2009

Wunderlich Park Trail Run

It was about time to get some serious mileage in before the San Diego RnR Marathon end of May.
The idea was to run bout 12 miles at Wunderlich County Park. I met up with Dan at 9:15AM in the parking lot off HW84. We started out on Bear Gulch trail up to the meadows. Since Dan dropped back a little I turned around once I reached the meadows and ran back down to meet up with her.
She decided that she didn't want to run up to Skyline as I had planned, so we parted ways. While she headed back down to the parking lot I continued on to Skyline. The climb was more than I expected. Well, I was aware that I was looking at a total of six miles climbing, but it dragged out longer than expected. The downhill afterwards was pretty fun though, lots of cruising on wide soft trails. To my surprise I bumped into Daniela, making her way up the hill. She had gotten a second wind and decided to add a second loop to her run. Together we continued down the hill, happily chatting along. This ended up being a problem... About three miles from the parking lot I twisted my ankle. I don't exactly know how I did it, I ight have stepped in a hole, on a root, a rock, or something else. All I know is that I sprained my ankle pretty bad, and that I could not walk for a few days. The training for San Diego has taken a big hit! I hope I manage to recover soon!

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