Sunday, March 22, 2009

Week 11 workouts

Mon: 5.5 miles on SCT. Yay! Running feels good again! Quite a new experience after the last few weeks.
Tue: 4.5 miles on SCT. some GI issues towards the end... Shouldn't have had the Espresso Beans beforehand!
Wed: Rest
Thu: Climbing! Yes, back to climbing after a pulled tendon in my left index finger. Taped the finger and took it pretty easy: 6 climbs 10a-10b. Felt good though. Probably up to hit the Valley next weekend.
Fri: 3 miles on SCT. I wanted to do 4 miles, but I'm quite happy with 3 since I was super tired after coming home from work. I also have a long run planned for tomorrow.
Sat: Long-ish run at Wunderlich 8.3 miles, due to sprained ankle on the way back.
Sun: RICE Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate of left ankle after sprain on Sat.

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