Wednesday, June 4, 2008

gym climbing

I had an awesome gym climbing session with Daniela last night.

We spent about 2.5 hours in the gym. In that time I climbed 8 routes, including a 11.d (a first!), 2 11c's, a 11b, and a 11a. before that I warmed up on a 10b and a 10d, doing a 10a in between the 11s to loosen up.

It felt really good! I didn't feel that pumped afterwards, which is very good!

There was an ad in the gym about an "Intense crossfit course" a 2 day weekend class with 4 hours per day, in the end of June... I think I will sign up!

Tonight I'll go to a yoga class the first time in forever. I am looking forward to it!

I am also deliberating on getting a hangboard and some rings...


Jezebel said...

Well, I have to ask a stupid question - what will you be doing in a yoda class? Practising your laser sword fighting? Or is yoda some new form of sports no one in Europe knows yet?


Bjorn said...

Obviously your job is getting to you!
Time for a vacation :-)

Jezebel said...


Well, I love my job - but you're right - I really need a vacation!