Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Yesterday was my first time in the climbing gym in two and a half weeks. Due to feeling weak after catching a cold last week, I decided to take it easy...
Starting out on a 5.9 felt hard... Despite some climbing outdoors over the weekend my fingers and arms were not used to the plastic holds as they usually are. My hope was that I could get into the groove by climbing a 5.8...oh how wrong I was! I felt as if i never had climbed before! That just changed after I went over to the 'slabby' wall, and did a 10a, and a 11a... The 11a included a hang, but I felt that the mojo was coming back...The 10c, and 11b I did afterwards felt really good too!
In between the climbs we did a nice drill, after seeing some other guys doing it...hop on a 5.6 with huge, juggy holds, and layback the way up without using the holds for the feet. A really good workout and a lot of fun! Also increases the trust in the feet... Which is always good!
I ended up the workout with a few attempts on the slackline...Better than the last time I tried, but far from going anywhere :-)

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