Friday, February 20, 2009

Week 7

Wow! This blog is degrading to a list of workouts... :-(
Unfortunately there's not too much more happening at the moment. When I am not in NM the weather here doesn't allow for any climbing outside. I guess skiing would be an option...
Anyway, last weeks workouts:

Sat: 9 mile run on the trails in the desert around Carlsbad, NM
Sun: Rest
Mon: 5 mile run
Tue: 3 mile run
Wed: 6 mile run (back in Cali SCT)
Thu: 3 miles on treadmill at PG B, 45 minutes of bouldering, mostly long traverses to increase endurance
Fri: Rest, noticed some tightness in the IT Band of my right thigh.

mileage (Sat - Fri): 26

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