Sunday, May 4, 2008


...Things end up different than planned.

After picking up the remaining gear for our attempt on the South Face of Washington Coloum on Thursday night things seemed good and going smoothly.
I had the haul bag, food, all the climbing gear, ready to go.
One more day of work though... Ben, Wendy and I wanted to leave to Yosemite Friday at 5pm...

Friday morning things were still great...
Come noon though, people in the office started to talk about lunch, but I didn't have much of an appetite. Very weird! By 2pm I feel absolutely crappy and decide to go home...By 4pm I'm in bed with a fever and bail from the trip :-(

Spent the weekend in bed...which SUCKED!

Ok..Next attempt: Memorial Day weekend...

Until then... Mt. Shasta in a day & a SAC class.

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