Monday, January 14, 2008


My expectations for skiing this past weekend were high. A major three day storm had just dumped 9 feet of snow in the Sierras, and the weather forecast for Saturday was good.
Unfortunately I had missed the fact that it had rained at Kirkwood on Thursday. When we got there early on Saturday the snow conditions were pretty poor. The groomed runs were ok, but it was pretty hard to make any turns on any other run.
With rising temperatures the conditions got better in the afternoon. Although it was still pretty chunky at spots.
Despite all that, and the fact that it was my first day of skiing this season and I got pretty tired soon, it was a lot of fun.
Let's hope that there will be some more snow on top of this base!
The forecast for this week sees no percipitation and high temperatures, so it's probably not worth going up there... climbing at the Pinnacles seems to be a good option!

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