Sat: Wanted to do the weekly long run of 11 miles, but at about 3 miles in the tightness in m IT Band I had noticed the day before and some GI issues forced me to turn around and cut the run short: Ended up running 7 miles.
Sun: Too wimpy to stick to the plan and make up for the failed long run on Saturday. Climbed at PG B instead. Did a handful of 10's topped off by a couple of 11a's. Finished the day's workout with 90 minutes of yoga with Annika. It was the first time I took her class. It was pretty nice! A good balance between relaxation and exercise. Also good for my ITB.
Mon: Climbing at PG B with Dan. 4 leads 10a-c. 1 TR 10c to cool down.
Tue: 3 miles on treadmill at PG B. Last night I researched IT Band issues on the web: It seems that a combination of strength training, stretching, applications of a foamroller and anti-inflamatories should work to keep things in check. As a first step I stretched 20 minutes right after getting up, followed by some 'rolling'. I stretched for another 2o minutes after my run, before I hit the weight room for some deadlifts and squats. The deadlifts were a surprise! It was the first time I "went heavy" and worked my way up to body weight. Not to bad for the beginning. My legs were tired after the workout, but felt good otherwise. Also learned that a few more spots opened up for the Big Sur 21 miler...Need to sign up!
Wed: Skipped the scheduled 6 mile run. Stretched and rolled for 10 min just after getting up. Went climbing with Ben at PG SV in the evening. Awesome session! A few TRs to warm up, 10a, 10d, 11a, 11c and then some easy leads (9s & 10a). Now I am wired and can't go to sleep :-(
Thu: Coughing and sneezing... AGAIN! :-( Rest day!
Fri: Rest Day, try to recover enough for tomorrows 8k Juana Run in Palo Alto.
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