I had an awesome gym climbing session with Daniela last night.
We spent about 2.5 hours in the gym. In that time I climbed 8 routes, including a 11.d (a first!), 2 11c's, a 11b, and a 11a. before that I warmed up on a 10b and a 10d, doing a 10a in between the 11s to loosen up.
It felt really good! I didn't feel that pumped afterwards, which is very good!
There was an ad in the gym about an "Intense crossfit course" a 2 day weekend class with 4 hours per day, in the end of June... I think I will sign up!
Tonight I'll go to a yoga class the first time in forever. I am looking forward to it!
I am also deliberating on getting a hangboard and some rings...
Well, I have to ask a stupid question - what will you be doing in a yoda class? Practising your laser sword fighting? Or is yoda some new form of sports no one in Europe knows yet?
Obviously your job is getting to you!
Time for a vacation :-)
Well, I love my job - but you're right - I really need a vacation!
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